CYP Going Forward

Our vision for the future home of Chabad Young Professionals

an early look

Plans and Renderings

Our Vision for the future

Key Highlights

Thanks to the enthusiastic participation of our community, we’ve experienced incredible growth that has outpaced our current space. We are now thrilled to develop a recently purchased townhouse into the future home of Chabad YP. This new space will better serve our expanding community and feature an array of enhancements, including:

Increased capacity for Friday night dinners: Enhance the cornerstone of Chabad YP's communal life by expanding our Friday night dinner capacity, allowing more young professionals to connect, celebrate, and experience the warmth of Shabbat together.

New Outdoor Space: Create a versatile outdoor area that will enable a 25% increase in unique events, providing a fresh and inspiring environment for social gatherings, educational activities, and community celebrations.

Expanded Synagogue Space: Develop a serene, dedicated space for prayer and study, fostering spiritual growth and a deeper connection to authentic Jewish traditions within our community.

Fireside Leadership Chats and Lectures: Design a flexible configuration for intimate fireside chats and lectures, aimed at professional development and the exploration of Jewish thought, encouraging personal and communal growth.

Chelsea Hebrew School: Introduction of our Chelsea Hebrew School initiative, offering high-quality Jewish education for children and ensuring the continuity of Jewish learning and values for the next generation.

Guest suite for Scholars in Residence: Establish a comfortable guest suite to accommodate scholars in residence, visiting staff, and community members, enriching our programs with their expertise and presence throughout the year.

Space for Life Cycle Events: Provide a dedicated space for community members to celebrate life cycle events, from weddings to brit milahs and bar/bat mitzvahs, fostering a sense of communal belonging and shared joy.

Residence for the Rabbi and His Family: Include a residence for the Rabbi and his family within the new building, ensuring their close, continuous involvement in the life of the community and enhancing the sense of a communal home.

Ready to help us build?


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